Arista and I flew into SLC and my older sister Kelsey met up with us that night. We spent the night at Chris' Grandma Janice's house, and then we headed to Provo for the weekend.

In Provo we stayed with my sister-in-law Marissa and her husband Chris. My mother-in-law Sue was there too. We went shopping, out to eat at Jason's Deli, and watched movies. Kelsey and I also went to our first Zumba class, and LOVED it! Aunt Marissa and Uncle Chris gave Arista a bath while we were there, and Sue and Marissa stuck every bow in Arista's hair. She looked adorable! Arista's favorite part of the weekend was pushing kitchen chairs across the room.

After a fun filled weekend we went to Sunday dinner at Janice's house. Chris' Aunt Tina and Uncle Matt where there, along with their children. Aunt Michelle and Uncle Wes came too! We had a wonderful pot roast dinner with a fabulous apple dessert. Arista loved the dessert just as much as we did, she loved playing with her 2nd cousins too.

The next few days we spent at my Great Grandmother Beth's house. We went out to lunch at Little America, grocery shopping, played spades with Grandmother Penny and Beth, made dinner, and did a lot of catching up. We also took a drive through a cemetery by my grandmothers house. There were deer playing among the headstones, I threw them some of Arista's snacks.

Great Grandma Beth has one of the biggest bath tubs I have ever seen. Arista had a blast swimming in it. I hope someday to have a giant tub like hers.

After a wonderful stay with Beth we headed back towards Provo. With a few stops to order flowers for the casket, and a cake for Preslie's birthday on Friday. We also got our nails done. I've never had them look better! After out errands we arrived at our cousin Tyler's house. His wife Michelle was very nice, and we ate dinner and played a dice game. They have 2 7 week old kittens which Arista loved. It was good to see them and their kids, and spend some time with them.

After dinner we were onto our next adventure. We drove 12 miles to Payson that night to our cousin Melyssa's house. We stayed up until 3am talking to her and her husband Scott. Kelsey and I decided that Scott needs to be a motivation speaker. He gave us some of the greatest insight and advice we have ever received. Not only was the advice good, his spin was hilarious. We woke up and ate a yummy breakfast and then headed to Quilted Bear. I LOVE Quilted Bear! Kelsey worked at one in Boise, but I had never been inside. I wanted to buy everything in the store, but held back. Arista loved playing with Georgia, and play they did. They played a lot!

That night we went to dinner at Red Lobster. A waitress came over and took a big lobster out of the tank and let us all see it. Arista grabbed it's claw, and thought it was pretty cool. After dinner we went back to Melyssa's house and I watched Hocus Pocus while Melyssa did eyelash extentions on Kelsey. It took her 2 hours, and Kelsey's eyes looked amazing. We didn't have time to do mine, so I was quite envious. :)

The next morning we woke up and packed up the car. We headed back to Sandy, and ate lunch and then went to look for a sweater for the memorial. We met Melyssa, Maddy and Georgia at Gardner Village. I was in heaven looking at all the witches, and browsing through the stores. Arista loved riding in the wagon, especially when Georgia wanted to pull it. We were only able to spend a short amount of time there, then it was off to the airport to pick up Chris.

After picking up Chris at the airport we headed to the Gateway mall to pick up free movie tickets. We went to dinner at Cafe Rio and then Kelsey and I went and saw Easy A, while Marissa, Chris and Chris went to see Paranormal Activity. They said that it was soo freaky, Kelsey and I were glad we didn't watch it. After the movie Kelsey went to sleep at Grandma Penny's, and Chris and I slept at his Aunt Gaylynns.
Friday we woke up, got ready, and then headed to the cemetary. There was a woman there with her husband and daughter, who I did not recognize. They were there putting flowers on their son's grave who died when he was 5 days old. They stuck around because they saw Preslie's little casket, and recognized Grandpa's name. Come to find out it was my Mom's cousin! They were passing through to Washington and stopped to visit their little son.

We started the service by singing "Families can be Together Forever", and then Chad gave the opening prayer. After the prayer Chris spoke, and read a beautiful letter he had written to Preslie. I then said a few words, followed by my Dad giving the Dedicatory prayer. It was beautiful, and I know Preslie was very pleased.

We then were all given 2 balloons to release into the sky for little P. We stood and watched as all the balloons danced into the heavens. They danced into different shapes including a "P" and a butterfly.

After the balloons disappeared it was time to bury the little casket. Chris, Arista and I said goodbye and then Chris and I threw dirt into the grave before the casket was laid inside. Then Kipley threw some dirt on top. We then watched as the men respectfully burried the casket into the ground. It was a very sacred experience I will never forget.

Afterwards I placed the flowers onto Preslie's grave. I was so pleased at how they turned out. I loved the heart bouquet made out of pink carnations.

To celebrate Preslie's birthday we headed out to eat at Litzi's pizza. Litzi's is my favorite pizza place, and I am grateful we were able to go. We all ate pizza, and then sang "Happy Birthday" and had a piece of cake. It was perfect.

Chris and I want to thank everyone who came and showed their support to us during Preslie's burial. We are grateful for all the letters, texts, messages, emails, and prayers sent our way from those who could not attend. It was not easy saying goodbye one last time, but we feel that now we finally have the peace we have been searching for. I'll express my feelings of the event in a future blog, but I could not have asked for a more beautiful tribute to her. We also want to thank all my Aunts and Uncles for letting us bury Preslie with Grandpa. It feels good to know that Preslie is being laid with him, for I know that they are together in heaven. 2 days before Grandpa passed he waved and smiled at Arista, it melted my heart. It brings me peace to know that he is up there taking care of my other daughter.
Due to the length of this post, the rest of our trip will be posted in a future post. More pictures to come!