Things have been pretty busy lately in the life of the Martin's. Chris has been going to work, and school while trying to be here for me as well. He has been such a huge love and support to me these past few months, and I don't know what I would do without him. I am so grateful that I am able to still have him here with me, and every moment I have with him I won't take for granted.
(Superbowl Cake)

School is going well for me. I am really enjoying my Wedding Planning class, and I am learning all about how I
should have done my wedding. Don't get me wrong I loved my wedding and everything about it, there is just so many new fun things that you can do for your big day. I have learned all about Preston Bailey, and the amazing weddings he has put on. I have also been in the process of planning a wedding for an "imaginary" couple which has been so fun.
Another class I am really enjoying right now is my Political Science class. I have learned more in this class then I ever did back in high school. Maybe because I wasn't paying for it then. :) I took my first Poli Sci exam today and I feel really confident that I did great on it. I am not a great test taker typically, but I have no doubt that I did well on this one.
(Representative Jase Bolger)

Also a really exciting thing happened for me this week....I got an internship with Representative Jase Bolger's office!!! I met with the Representative yesterday afternoon, and less than 2 hours later they called offering me the internship. I have LOVED my government internship class, and I think it will be a great opportunity to get back into the swing of politics. I start on Wednesday, and I couldn't be happier.
All of my other classes are going very well, and I am so fortunate to be able to have Chris in my BOM class every Tuesday morning. Brother Draut has been a great teacher for us, and it's nice to be able to have a set time for learning the gospel together. Another thing that has really helped Chris and I is we have started having Family Home Evening with the Hogges, Boardmans, and Miners. It's so comforting to be surrounded by our Michigan family, and know that we can share our love for each other and the gospel together.

As far as grieving is going. Bottom line is, I miss Preslie. How can I not miss her? I think keeping myself busy has been a real blessing, but I still have a lot of down moments where all I want to do is hold her. Chris and I had the opportunity to attend a support group tonight called HOPING. Chris and I met with some wonderful women there. One woman is a Mother of an angel and the other is an Aunt of an angel. We had a comforting 2 hour discussion, and it was nice to hear that what Chris and I are going through is totally normal. It was such a comfort to be able to talk to women who understand what I am feeling, and going through. They meet once a month, and I am excited to become more involved in the group. I hope to one day be able to help others who are dealing with a loss of a child.
(This picture is for you Aubrey!)

Our kitty Chewy is doing great, and adjusting well in our house. He is so wicked sometimes though. He thinks Chris is Hans Solo and follows him EVERYWHERE! He loves to bite and scratch, and he especially loves to try to eat our food when we are eating. Chris and I have had to start putting him upstairs while we eat, so he won't jump all over us. He has been such a healing to Chris and I, and we always look forward to going home and seeing his cute furry face.
Chris and I are headed out of Lansing tomorrow for a romantic Valentine's Day getaway in the beautiful Detroit Michigan. <-------Ha! We hope your Valentine's Day is filled with lots of love.