Anxiously awaiting Preslie's arrival, I thought I would kill some time with this tag. Thanks Lauren, hang in there! :D
THE RULES: You have to take 10 pictures of the following things and you have to do it right away. No straightening, cleaning or wiping you kids nose (I mean it!). Then you tag 6 others.
1. Kids
Well seeing as our kid is still swimming around inside, you can enjoy this front view of her. :D

2. Bathroom
We did a Finding Nemo/Under the Sea type style in our bathroom.

3. Closet
Our closet is TINY! When we have a huge house, we must have a much bigger closet!

4. Favorite Shoes
I am not a huge shoe person but I just love my Rocket Dog shoes.

5. Self Portrait
Ugh, it's one of those "I don't feel like doing my hair" days.

6. Laundry Room
I HATE going down into our basement to do laundry, it gives me the creeps!

7. Kitchen Sink
Yes that is a fondue pot from last week soaking. It is burned beyond repair!

8. Fridge
We live off bottled water and yogurt!

9. Favorite Room
I just love our baby room. I have been doing a little bit everyday to finish it.

10. Dream Vacation
I would love Preslie to be here, and all of us in Kauai laying on the beach soaking up the rays!

I now tag: Kara, Faith, Laura, Aubrey, Kelsey, and Aunt Deb...and whoever else wants to do it!