Wednesday night was the Duke vs NC game. This is the one pre March Madness game that Chris really looks forward to. There was a massive snow storm outside, and Chris ventured out to go to school. I decided while he was gone to make things fun while watching the game. I made blue waffles, blue punch, and we attempted to make blue eggs. I put some Duke gear on some stuffed animals, and even decked out in the Duke gear myself. The blue eyeshadow was Chris' favorite. It was a blast!! Duke even won the game which made it that much sweeter!
A few weeks ago I decided that I needed a much needed change. I felt like my hair was getting way long and out of control. So many many thanks to Laura, Thursday night she chopped it off. I went shorter, choppier and blonder. I LOVE the way it turned out. I feel soo much better with my hair now, and it doesn't take hours to fix anymore. I'll post a good picture soon.
Last night I went to Laura and Megan's baby shower, it was a blast! Erika knows how to throw a great party. We all started out writing our name on name tags that had numbers on them, and then we ate some yummy Dominos pizza. Dominos is my favorite. After that we karaoked. The goal was to sing a song that mentioned "baby" or had to do with a baby. It was difficult to find some songs but a few ladies followed the trend. Julie ended up winning the prize for best karaoke. She was hilarious!!! Laura and Megan got some way cute gifts, it was fun to watch them open them. After the presents Erika kindly thanked everyone for coming, and told them to grab a cookie on the way out. Then the party really started!! Laura, Megan, Amberly, Aubrey, Tiffany, Natalie, Alyson, and I stayed and karaoked for a few more hours. It was so fun. Favorite song of the night? Amberly singing "Sexual Healing". You had to be there to experience the full affect. We sang anything from "We Are The Champions" to "Jingle Bells". What a great night. Thanks so much Laura and Megan for the invite, and to Erika for such a fun party.