Last weekend our family had it's first family vacation. My parents planned a wonderful trip up to McCall for a few days. Our first stop was a flee market, and then we headed to Route 55 Diner for lunch. It wasn't bad.

The cabin was massive! 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, and lots of room. My parents had their own separate apartment that was over the garage. The beach was only a 5 minute walk away. We decided to check that out first.

That night Kyle made a huge fire and we roasted smores while my Dad told a wonderful story about making your life a heaven. We bought those giant marshmallows and they were so big they wouldn't cook all the way through. We all decided that next time we will stick with regular ones.

The next day we rented a boat. Half of us woke up early and took the boat for a spin, while the rest of us slept in and got ready.

Arista was unsure of the boat ride, and let us know it. She was adorable! All she wanted was for me to snuggle her, since it was so windy.

A few brave souls decided they would tube. Unfortunatly Mikelle and Merrick didn't last long on the tube, and were hit hard by the water. They scared the rest of us!
Mikelle before

Mikelle after

My Dad, Kyle, and Kipley were the champions and did awesome without falling into the ice water. My Dad even went twice. We were so nervous to watch him, in fear that he would fall in the water and go into shock. Luckily that wasn't the case, and he rocked that tube!

Kelsey was in charge of raising the flag, while Craig drove the boat.

Arista eventually warmed up to the boat, and had a blast.

I decided to take a stab at driving the boat. It lasted about 1 minute, it scared me way too much to go fast. I am a slow boat driver.

After a few hours boating they dropped Arista and I off, while they continued on the lake. We spent the next few hours visiting and laughing. Later that night a few of us went to Zim's Hot Springs. There were 2 pools, one was 105 degrees and the other was 98 degrees. They were so hot, after 5 minutes we were ready to go. We stayed until they closed, and then headed back to the cabin. The water felt really nice, and we are glad that we went. Especially after freezing all day on the boat.

The next day Dad, Kyle, Mikelle, Craig, and Chris went shooting while Kipley napped, and Mom, Kelsey and I chatted. The shooters found a great spot to shoot up a hill, but soon was told they couldn't shoot there. They then found another spot. I can't believe my husband shot a gun!

After everyone got back home Dad, Chris, Kipley, Merrick and I went on a hike in Ponderosa State Park. I wanted the hardest hike in the park, and it wasn't too bad. Not 5 minutes into the hike did I see a snake in the bushes. I wanted everyone to see it, so I picked up a rock and threw it into the bush. Right by the rock was another snake! Chris' worst fear is snakes, so needless to say we hiked fast.

It was a beautiful hike, and just what I wanted. After the hike Chris, Merrick, Kiple and I went to play tennis at the local high school. After a few sets my Dad played. While he was running for a ball he tripped and fell. It was the scariest thing, and we are so glad that he wasn't seriously hurt. It knocked the wind out of him good, but luckily that was all. When we arrived home there was a roaring fire, and we roasted smores for the final time, while my Mom told us a story about honesty. Perfect ending to a perfect trip. Later that night my parenst went and watched "The Great Outdoors" while we partied it up karaoke style. Unfortunatly Mikelle and Kyle had to leave that day to drive back to Meridian, since Mikelle had class the next morning. We also played Mario Party and I WON!!!

The next morning we woke up, packed and left. We took a detour drive up to Tamarack, and then stopped at Route 55 Diner for lunch. It tasted so yummy this time around. After lunch we stopped in Horseshoe Bend to fish for a while. It was very windy and freezing, so we didn't stay long enough to catch a fish. Maybe next time.

We arrived home safely after a terrific trip. We all had such a great time, and can't wait to do another family vacation someday soon! Thanks Mom and Dad!!