Day 1:We started out waking up at 5:00am and then driving over to our good friend's the Miners house. We got on the road about 6:30am. I had a blast driving with Daniell and switching off between Addy and Braelynn. We arrived in Rochester NY around 2:30pm, and met up with Chris' parents and our good friends the Elwells. We then headed out to Palmyra to save seats for the Hill Cumorah Pageant. Suprisingly there weren't as many people as we thought there would be. We were able to go to the visitors center and watch the Joseph Smith movie, and then look around the musuem. The pageant was amazing. I really enjoyed all the costumes, water effects, and fire effects. I thought it was a tad bit long, but overall a great experience. I was having a "I miss Preslie day" but, felt better after being able to see the pageant.
The stage on the Hill Cumorah
Day 2:Chris and Merrick woke up early and went and played tennis while I slept in a little bit. Afterwards we headed out back to the Hill Cumorah to climb it. It wasn't a very long hike, but boy was it steep. It was incredible to think that the gold plates were right in that hill.
Merrick and Chris with the Hill Cumorah behind them

Merrick and I on top of the hill

Statue of Moroni

Daddy and Baby Arista (This counts as my 20 week picture)

After the hill we went and drove to the Palmyra Temple. It was a lot smaller then I thought it would be, but it was beautiful. We were able to get some really great pictures there.

After the Temple we went to the Sacred Grove. It was so neat to walk through all the beautiful trees. You could hear birds singing, and the temperature was perfect. Such a great experience.

Then we went through Joseph Smiths house. It looked so small but then there were a lot of rooms. It was crazy. We were able to go upstairs in the attic and it was so hot, we had to get out of there quick.
Chad taking a rest from all the walking

Smallest high chair I think I have ever seen

Chris and his best friend Chris

After a lot of site seeing we decided to head back to the hotel, so that I could rest and everyone could get some good tennis in. I spent the next few hours talking with Garret and Daniell, while Brae played with my feet and Addy took a million pictures. They are so stinkin cute!
Little Addy

Cute Brae

Addy loved to sit on my lap

That night we all went out to dinner at Outback, followed by a card game in the lobby. It was a very fun and eventful day.
Day 3:Chad, Chris, and Garret woke up at 7:30am and headed back out the the Sacred Grove. Chris said that it was so quiet and all you could hear is the birds singing. Afterwards they went to Sacrament meeting at a church nearby the Temple. It was the largest Sacrament meeting they have ever been too. With 2 Sacrament tables, over 40 deacons passing, and an overflow of people all over the church in various rooms. They all said it was really neat.
After they got back we headed out to Niagra Falls. Niagara Falls was incredible. We got a pass and was able to go to a small aquarium, then we went on an awesome boat ride right next to the falls. We were SOAKED!! Then we went to The Cave of The Mist, and was able to walk up right next to the falls. I bowed out of going all the way to the top and I didn't regret my decision at all, when the boys came down soaking wet. We then took a trolley to see a 40min film about legends and myths of the falls. After that we ate at the Hard Rock Cafe, and then checked out the falls lit up. This was our favorite day!! Beautiful sites, soaking wet clothes, and many laughs.
Daniell and I

Day 4:Merrick, Chris and his parents went out early to play tennis. We then packed up our stuff and headed for home. We stopped for lunch at Subway, and then hit some outlets right passed Niagara Falls. Before the film started the previous day, I saw this woman who had the cutest purse I had ever seen. We asked her where she got it, and she said that she got it online and that it wasn't available. the outlets I went into the Coach Factory, and not only did they have the purse but it was 30% off. Chris bought it for me for my anniversary present. It is so pretty I am afraid to even use it. After the outlets, a dinner stop, and a few bathroom stops, we arrived home about 12:30pm. We were so excited to see our Chew, only to find out that he had a great time digging in my plants and dancing around the couch. We love him anyways!
We all had a very enjoyable trip. Thank you so much Chad and Sue for going with us, and for the great times. We had a great time with the Miners and the Elwells too!