Back on October 15th some dear friends in the ward threw me and Arista an amazing baby shower. The theme of the shower was "Li'l Pumpkin". My good friend Aubrey wrote an adorable poem that she put onto the invitation...
Li'l Pumpkin
Li'l Pumpkin is coming and she'll be here so soon,
Her arrival date is in November, not June.
She'd like you to come and celebrate,
With her Mommy on this very special date.
October 15th at 7 PM,
Soon she'll no longer need her stem!
No need to eat dinner, there will be food
To put you all in a pumpkin-y mood!
If you feel so inclined to bring something, too,
Li'l Pumpkin has a cute idea for you.
As she grows up she'd love to look
At a beautiful bow or a colorful book!
So please come and expect to have lots of fun,
There's sure to be smiles and laughs by the ton!
(The gift theme for the night will be "Bows & Books." So, if you'd like, bring one of your favorite children/baby books or get creative and make a one-of-a-kind bow for Baby Arista to enjoy!)
Since I already had everything for Preslie that I could use with Arista. We decided on a "Bows & Books." theme as well.
The night started off with a fabulous spread of favorite fall foods. Donut holes, pumpkin bread, yummy soups, an awesome pumpkin shaped cheese ball with veggies, the best apples and dip ever, and an apple spice cake.
While eating and chatting we played a game called "Baby Memory" You had to match a pregnancy or baby type word with the name of a candy bar. Example: Chris----Sugar Daddy. It was loads of fun I would have to say that Alexis Phillips rocked at that game!
We also played "Baby names around the world" Which was a list of the word "baby" in about 10 different languages, and you had to guess which language each one went with. Let's just say I got 2 out of the 10 right. Also, all throughout the night there was a game with old wives tales. You had to guess which one meant that you were having a boy or a girl.
There was a special surprise for the 7th person who walked into the baby shower, and it was funny who it ended up being! Ashley Stevens! Although I think she is going to beat me to the punch!
We played another game where you have a huge bowl of rice filled with safety pins, and you are blind folded and have to try to get as many safety pins as you can. It was a very difficult game, very fun however.
After the fun games it was time to open gifts. I recieved so many wondeful books, bows, bow holders, outfits, socks, hats, and little baby jewlery. The talent among all of my friends is just incredible. I have to give a shout out to Kara for the adorable tutu. It was such a hit!
After opening gifts there was one more game to be played. The ladies split up into 3teams and decorated pumpkins, as if Arista were to be a lil pumpkin when she was born. At the end I had to chose which one did I think looked the most like her... It was a tough decision, they all looked so funny and cute.
Here are the 3 pumpkins I had to chose from.
I chose this one, because in our 3D ultrasounds Arista loved to stick out her little tongue.
For the last thing of the night I had been previously asked to measure the "roundness" of my stomach. Jade went out and was able to find a pumpkin that matched my measurements. Can you guess which pumpkin "round" wise matched my stomach?????
Yep the one in the middle!
I just want to thank Aubrey, Emily, Jade, Mandy, Jamie, Daniell, Natalie, and Ashley for throwing me the best baby shower ever! It made me so excited for Arista to come out, and it made me feel all of the love that you have for our family. We would not have made it through this past year without you guys! Thanks to everyone who came! Thank you cards coming soon!!