This silly, beautiful, energetic, outrageous, and absolutely lovely girl turned 18 months on Saturday. To celebrate the occasion we took her to her favorite place. Chuck E Cheese's.
Yes, we forced her on this ride. We both had to ride it when we were little, we had to carry on the tradition.
After riding some fun rides we bought her favorite cotton candy, then took her next door to Walmart to pick out a toy. With a little help she picked out this automatic ball machine that shoots out balls. Her friend Sam has one, and she LOVES it.
Once we picked up her toy we met Chad, Sue, and Aunt Marissa for dinner at Panera. Then Chris and I had to go to the Mormon Prom, while Arista had a sleepover with Grandma and Grandpa Martin. We had a great time, and Arista had a great time. A woman in my ward and I were in charge of putting together a display of Asia. I made the pagoda with a little help, the pillows, and the rug. My friend Cassandra made over 50 Oragami cranes to hang on the fresh bamboo, they were adorable. It looked amazing! Here is what we came up with...

Arista went to nursery for the first time a week before her half birthday(5/15). She ran right in and started playing with the toys. I peeked in a few times to make sure she was doing well, and after an hour I looked in and she was bawling. I decided to go in there with her and sit with her for a while. After I felt like she was fine, I snuck out. I was later informed that she cried the rest of the time. Her second time at nursery was a complete meltdown, and I ended up bringing her to Primary with me. I am hoping that she adjusts soon.
Arista is growing up like a weed. She loves to eat waffles, fruit snacks, fruit loops, yogurt, M&Ms and ice cream cones. She still loves her troll doll, and has adopted other babies as well. She has a cute little stroller that she puts them in around the house.
Arista love love loves to go grocery shopping, and quite enjoys putting anything and everything into her shopping cart.
More than anything Arista LOVES to be outside. She loves to swing on the swings and play with her friends at the park.
Arista's friends all have binkys so she loves to pretend that she uses one too. She especially loves to ride her unicorn.
Arista enjoys being pretty.
Lately Arista has been watching Grandma and Grandpa Martin and Daddy play tennis. She wants to be a star one day, and has already began taking lessons.
Arista has her first boyfriend Sam. He is exactly one month older than her. Arista showed him who was boss the first time he came over to play, by giving him a love bite. Arista loves playing at the park with him, and riding the animals. She hopes that he won't forget her when she is gone for a month.
Mommy loves Arista more than words, and Arista LOVES Mommy. Separation anxiety has become a real thing for Arista but, secretly I loves it. We have such a great time together during the day, and I am so blessed to be able to spend my days with such a sweet girl.
Arista can't wait for Daddy to come home, and runs to the stairs when she hears the door beep everyday.
A few more facts:
Arista stopped nursing officially around the beginning of last month, and has not had any urges to start up again. It was a miserable week for me, but Arista was a champion.
Arista took her first trip to NYC.(post to come soon)
Arista can sign "Please".
The last of Arista's teeth are coming in.
Arista now sleeps in her big girl and only wakes up once a night.
Stories and Singing are Arista's favorite things to read and do.
We swear Arista speaks her own language. She loves to gab on our cell phones to family members about everything. We can't wait to hear what she has to say.
Arista loves to squeal high pitched to animals.
The stroller is not Arista's friend. She would prefer to walk everywhere.
Tangled is Arista's favorite movie.
Arista bites...everyone. We are working on that. :/
Arista is fascinated with home videos of herself, and can watch them all day everyday.
Arista Miracle, I don't know what we would do without you. You have brought so much joy to our lives. Every day is a new adventure, and each moment is priceless. You have such a zest for life, and your smile is contagious to everyone around you. You are very independent and stubborn, which we love. You mean so much to us, and we love you! Thank you for choosing us to be your parents.