I just have to take a minute and gush about my amazingly awesome husband Christopher...after much hard work, dedication, and endurance Chris has been offered a long term position as a junior Attorney at NAIMA. Chris has been working with them since June on contract, as a legal consultant. Chris has loved the work he has done, the employees, his boss, and that he only has to work from 9am-5pm. NAIMA was very flexible and supportive while Chris studied for the bar, and has been looking to keep him long term for quite a few months. The CEO and General Counsel were beaming when they came into the office to give Chris the good news. An associate even jumped up out of his chair during the executive board meeting, because he couldn't wait to tell Chris.
This has been a huge answer to months and months of prayers, and we couldn't be more thrilled. We have found a beautiful 3 bedroom townhouse to rent, and new furniture to fill it with. We look forward to buying a place within the next year or two. It's funny how the Lord works. When Chris and I first started law school I told him numerous times that I NEVER wanted to end up living back in VA/DC, and now I couldn't be happier.
This next week is going to be filled with the delivery of our POD, furniture, unpacking, and moving out of our in-laws. Luckily we aren't too far away(still in ward boundaries) so we can visit often. I am excited to decorate and have all of our things back, as well as my old clothes that I thought I could never wear again. After next week my sister Mikelle and her boyfriend Kyle are coming for 9 days to visit! I can't wait to show off our new place, and the amazing surroundings.
Dear Chris,
I never have really liked when people gush and goo on blogs about each other, but I wanted the world to hear how much admiration I have for you. 2 years ago when Preslie died you could have thrown in the towel and given up. Many people thought you did, but you returned to school 2 days later and worked your tail off at the same time. Throughout our 5 years of marriage you have continually worked hard to support me and our family. We have had many speed bumps along the way, but you always knew that things would all work out in the end. You are one of the hardest workers I know, and everyone who works with you loves you.
When the world tells you to give up, you don't. When I am lacking in faith, you build me up. When the future looks bleak, you still hold on. You are a rock, and an anchor, and I am so lucky and blessed to have you in not only my life but the lives of our daughters as well. You were amazing with Preslie, and held her with such care and admiration, despite the circumstance. You are such a great Dad to Arista, and she loves all the time you spend playing with her. You are a great Uncle, Brother, Husband, Son, etc... Most importantly, you are a valiant and faithful son of God who was put on this earth to spread your strength, forgiveness, and faith with all those around you. I can't wait to see what the Lord has in store for you in the future. Congratulations!
We love you so much!