4th of July weekend was a BLAST this year! Our cousin's Caysi and Stephen, and their kids Gracie and Mallory came to visit. They got in Wednesday night and we went straight to see Eclipse. I LOVED it! I was totally team Edward until seeing that movie. I have decided I am "Team Edward" for the books and "Team Jacob" for the movies. :)
The next day we went swimming at the pool and then us girls went to Corona Village for dinner.
Princess Fiona (Mallory) and Mikelle baking cookies

Caysi Nickle Pickle

On Friday we decided to float the Boise River. The water was so cold my feet literally hurt when you had them in the water. We hit some trees, but I came out scratch free. Poor Caysi and Gracie got some pretty bad battle wounds. Despite the scratches they had a blast! I wish we could have floated it 3 more times!

Gracie Lou Freebush

That night I went to a fancy fondue restaurant called "The Mona Lisa". I went with my cousins and Aunt and Uncle. The cheeses were fantastic! I had my first bite of Alligator which I really liked, and for dessert it was endless pots of chocolate and sweets.

Saturday Stephen bbq'd for us. He made the yummiest spicy chicken and potatoes. Then they headed to the airport. We were sad to see them go, but are excited to see them again in a few weeks.

Sunday the 4th was a fun day. We went to church and then Arista and I took a long nap. After a tasty dinner of Chicken and Potatoes we sat and watched the local fireworks on tv. We were going to go to Ann Morrison park to watch them, but Arista didn't make it. She was exhausted, and slept through all the loud "bangs" outside.

I love the 4th, and am so grateful for all of the people who have fought, and are fighting for the freedom I enjoy today. We really do live in a wonderful country. Hope you all had a wonderful holiday!
PS: I couldn't help but wonder how beautiful all the fireworks must have looked from Preslie's seat. :)