We just want to send our deepest sympathy to the Peek family. Their son Wyatt River joined his angel brothers in heaven early this morning. Please keep them in your prayers during this unimaginably difficult time. Jason and Courtney you have been in our prayers all day, we can't imagine the pain you must be feeling and going through. We hope you feel your boys near you during this time.
Chris, Rylie, Preslie and Arista
Monday, May 31, 2010
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
Losing our Sense of Security
Sunday morning at 4:15am I was awakened by our bedroom door slamming and the light turning on. I laid there delirious until I heard the most frightening words..."Hi, my house has just been broken into...Yes, I heard a loud bang and the door is wide open. Someone is in our house." I immediately sat up and saw Chris crouched in front of our bedroom down on the telephone with 911. He looked at me with panic and told me to grab Arista and get in the closet. I was about to ask what was going on, when he again told me to get in the closet. I picked up Arista and ran into the closet. I could hear Chris' terrified voice talking to the 911 operator asking her where the police were and why they weren't here yet.
I stood in the closet, legs shaking, swaying back and forth praying to God that my husband would not be killed, and that they wouldn't come to get me and Arista next. I looked around the closet for some sort of weapon to defend myself, and figured I would have to use a hanger. I kept popping my head out of the closet to look at Chris to make sure he was okay. He would then tell me to get back into the closet. I kept praying over and over and over..."Please help us. Please don't let them get us. Please don't let them kill us. Please Preslie save us."
After what seemed like several minutes I heard some noises in the hallway outside of our door. I then heard Chris say..."The police are here?" Then I heard the most terrifying words..."The police aren't here?!?!?? Someone just tried to turn the door handle into our room!!! The person who broke in, is in our house and just tried to come into our bedroom!!!!"
Finally we heard multiple voices saying that they were the police. Chris did not believe them until they reassured him that it was safe. The police officers checked our place and all around the neighborhood and found no one. They took no fingerprints, and told us to put a chair in front of our door....YEAH RIGHT! We were terrified and called the Allen's at 5am and they immediately came over and sat with us the entire day.
Sunday afternoon after several calls the police finally came back and took fingerprints, and could not believe the other officers from the previous hours had not taken them. Our door was not able to be fixed since it was Sunday, so the Allen's spent the night with us. Do you really think we could sleep?
We decided we better pack up our stuff and get out of here as soon as possible. We are just petrified that it will happen again...although the chances are rare. It's amazing that the home we felt the safest in ended up being the house broken into. Our old place was in such a scary neighborhood, we are in such shock that this has happened.
Chris has driven to DC with Chewy. He will study for the Texas bar at his parents, and work for a firm there as well. Arista and I are at my parents house in Idaho and will meet up with Chris after the bar. We are so grateful for our wonderful friends and for all of their help this past week. We could not have made it without them. We are grateful to the Helgasen family for opening their home to us, and for everyone who helped us move.
I have to give a shout out to our great friends Breezy and Branden you guys are seriously incredible. You spend the night with us and helped us feel so much safer. We cannot thank you enough for the countless hours of packing, moving, lifting, babysitting, and laughing you did for us. We would not have been able to move as quickly as we did. We cannot wait to see you in August!! We will miss you guys a ton!!
I stood in the closet, legs shaking, swaying back and forth praying to God that my husband would not be killed, and that they wouldn't come to get me and Arista next. I looked around the closet for some sort of weapon to defend myself, and figured I would have to use a hanger. I kept popping my head out of the closet to look at Chris to make sure he was okay. He would then tell me to get back into the closet. I kept praying over and over and over..."Please help us. Please don't let them get us. Please don't let them kill us. Please Preslie save us."
After what seemed like several minutes I heard some noises in the hallway outside of our door. I then heard Chris say..."The police are here?" Then I heard the most terrifying words..."The police aren't here?!?!?? Someone just tried to turn the door handle into our room!!! The person who broke in, is in our house and just tried to come into our bedroom!!!!"
Finally we heard multiple voices saying that they were the police. Chris did not believe them until they reassured him that it was safe. The police officers checked our place and all around the neighborhood and found no one. They took no fingerprints, and told us to put a chair in front of our door....YEAH RIGHT! We were terrified and called the Allen's at 5am and they immediately came over and sat with us the entire day.
Sunday afternoon after several calls the police finally came back and took fingerprints, and could not believe the other officers from the previous hours had not taken them. Our door was not able to be fixed since it was Sunday, so the Allen's spent the night with us. Do you really think we could sleep?
We decided we better pack up our stuff and get out of here as soon as possible. We are just petrified that it will happen again...although the chances are rare. It's amazing that the home we felt the safest in ended up being the house broken into. Our old place was in such a scary neighborhood, we are in such shock that this has happened.
Chris has driven to DC with Chewy. He will study for the Texas bar at his parents, and work for a firm there as well. Arista and I are at my parents house in Idaho and will meet up with Chris after the bar. We are so grateful for our wonderful friends and for all of their help this past week. We could not have made it without them. We are grateful to the Helgasen family for opening their home to us, and for everyone who helped us move.
I have to give a shout out to our great friends Breezy and Branden you guys are seriously incredible. You spend the night with us and helped us feel so much safer. We cannot thank you enough for the countless hours of packing, moving, lifting, babysitting, and laughing you did for us. We would not have been able to move as quickly as we did. We cannot wait to see you in August!! We will miss you guys a ton!!
Friday, May 21, 2010
A "Shrek" of a Half Birthday
Our little Miss Arista has been growing rapidly this past month. On her 5 month birthday she figured out how to roll all over the place. We have to constantly keep our eyes on her now. I laid her down on her play mat and the next thing I know she is clear over by our TV! She is so proud of her new freedom, and we couldn't be more proud of her.

Arista is starting to teethe. Her sleeping pattern has been all over the place, due to sore gums. We have been using oragel and teething tablets to help soothe her, and they seem to be working for the most part. We will just be glad when her teeth finally come in. Poor thing!
Arista's hair has been growing like crazy lately, especially in the front. We found out that it is long enough for a little pony tail! She looks just like those little cartoon baby girls with the little pony tail and the bow. Adorable!
One of Arista's favorite things to do is go for walks. We love pulling out the stroller and walking a 5k a few times a week. She usually gets a good snooze in.
Arista's hands move like crazy now. She is constantly grabbing for anything and everything. She loves to rip paper and pull Mommy's hair. She is also fascinated with the remote control.
We tried solid foods again last week and she loved it! She tried apples and pears, and leaned towards the spoon and everything.
On her half birthday we celebrated by going to see the new Shrek movie. Arista loved it...she would not sit still for a second. We then met our friend's the Al lens at A yummy local pizza place called Delucas. After lots of pizza and laughs we headed to Walmart, where Arista picked out a new toy. She LOVES all the songs that this little toy plays, and it has really been helping her to sit up. She can sit by herself for several minutes before she loses balance. She is so talented.
These past 6 months have been the best times in our lives. We are so blessed and grateful to have Arista with us. We can't get over her adorable and sweet personality. She has an infectious smile, and is constantly drawing attention to herself. Every minute we have with her is such a blessing in our life. We know that she is close with her older sister and that she is one of Preslie's favorites.
We love you so much baby girl! Happy 6 months!
Saturday, May 15, 2010
Mother's Day + Turning 23 + Graduating Law School = an AWESOME week!
For Mother's Day this year Chris woke up early and made me a special breakfast in bed. We have started making egg breakfast sandwiches, and we LOVE them. They were so delicious! After a relaxing morning we attended church, then came home and ate baked french toast with fruit. It was a perfect! Chris surprised me with a griddle! It is awesome, I can't wait to use it! He gave me some new socks, lotion, and the biggest surprise of all was...he set me up a one hour facial, then a one hour massage for my birthday! It was a wonderful Mother's Day with my little family. Arista and I got in a 4 hour nap after church too! I couldn't help but feel a void all day long, wishing that Preslie was there with me. I know she was loving me from heaven, but it is just not the same. Holidays make it especially more real that she is not here with us.
I turned the big 2-3 on Tuesday! Chris gave me the most wonderful gift I think I have ever received. He turned my blog into a book. Every single post, every single picture. I have spent many hours looking through and reading back all the posts. I never would have even thought of it! I spent my birthday going to the gym and then heading to my day at the spa. The facial and massage was wonderful! I think I need to make it a monthly gift to myself. ;) Later that night our great friends the Boardmans and Allen's came over for an incredibly huge German chocolate cake. I have always wanted to have one special ordered from a good bakery, so I did the liberty of ordering it myself. It was yummy!!!
Wednesday morning Chris' mom came into town for graduation. We found out that our brother-in-law Chris was going to be in Detroit that night, so we drove half way and met him at Johnny Carinos for dinner. It was Arista's first time meeting Uncle Chris and she LOVED him! It was great to see Chris and spend a few hours with him.
Thursday Chad(Chris' Dad) arrived. We had our good friend Breezy watch Arista while the four of us went to a May memorial for Preslie and other lost babies. There were candles lit,songs played, poems read, and tears shed for the loss of our precious babies. I love that every year they do something in the spring to remember our little ones. It is neat to be able to all come together and remember our babies, and to know a glimpse of the pain we have all shared. The bond we have all made is something only the parents of an angel will know. Here is a wonderful poem that was shared by the former co-president...
My Mom is a Survivor
My Mom is a survivor,
or so I've heard it said.
But I can hear her crying at night
when all others are in bed.
I watch her lay awake at night
and go to hold her hand.
She doesn't know I'm with her
to help her understand.
But like the sands on the beach
that never wash away ...
I watch over my surviving Mom
who thinks of me each day.
She wears a smile for others ...
a smile of disguise!
But through Heaven's door
I see tears flowing from her eyes.
My Mom tries to cope with death;
To keep my memory alive.
But anyone who knows her knows
it is her way to survive.
As I watch over my surviving Mom
through Heaven's open door ...
I try to tell her that angels
protect me forevermore!
I know that doesn't help her,
or ease the burden she bears.
So, if you get a chance, go visit her.
Show her that you care.
For no matter what she says ...
no matter what she feels.
My surviving Mom has a broken heart
that time won't ever heal.
Here are some final verses my Mom wrote...
Please help to dry her tears,
and comfort all her fears,
our time a part will seem so brief,
when faith and love push through the grief .
My Mom is a survivor,
soon joy will heal her heart,
we will spend eternity together
we'll embrace and never part!
Friday Chris graduated!! It was so incredible to see him seated among his fellow law students. My eyes watered and heart ached that Preslie could have been there to see her Dad. We know she was watching from heaven cheering him on, with her little angel friends. We spent the afternoon taking pictures, going to lunch at Bravo, and then Chris and I went on a date to see the new movie "Robin Hood". It was such a great day. We are so proud of Chris and for all of his accomplishments. He could have given up after Preslie died, but instead he was steadfast and trudged forward. I can't even imagine what he went through last few years, while helping me with my grief, along with another pregnancy. He is amazing, and there is no one else I know who would have been able to handle all that he has. We love you Christopher! We are so proud of you!!
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