Sometimes when I think of Preslie, I like to imagine her with all her angel friends. So, when I found this picture it was almost as if I had imagined it. I find it very comforting to know that Preslie is not alone, and together with her friends and family they are preparing the way for us.
Preslie would have been 18 months today. Since her half birthday falls on Earth Day each year we decided we would celebrate it.
We started off the morning by us all putting on our Old Navy "Happy Earth Day" shirts. Arista and I then met Chris at the law building to meet his favorite law professor. Professor Jacobs gave Arista the cutest stuffed giraffe and 3 picture wall hanging frame. Arista rolled over for us and tried to eat the Professors hair. She had an absolute blast being held by her. Chris is sure going to miss Professor Jacobs.
After chatting for a while we headed over to the MSU Dairy Store. We had heard great things about the dairy and finally was able to taste it for ourselves. It was so yummy!
While finishing our ice cream we stopped at Walmart to pick up a beautiful plant for Preslie's grave, and then headed up to the Mausoleum. We introduced Arista to Preslie's tomb, and then sat outside on a blanket for a while where we had the funeral. Arista rolled around all over the blanket, while we told her all about her sister Preslie. After a while we walked around the cemetery and put little toy animals on all the baby graves we could find, in honor of Preslie's 18 month and Earth Day.
After a few hours we decided to drive to 45 minutes to Brighton for dinner at our favorite place, Johnny Carinos. We reflected on our time with Preslie, and talked about how great it will be to see her again. Afterwards we walked around the Tanger Outlets for a while. I found the cutest dress for Arista for Chris' graduation. I was very excited.
When we got home we were pooped! We gave Arista a nice bath, and ended our Earth Day by watching "Avatar". We are also going to see the new movie "Oceans" tomorrow to celebrate this day as well.
Our hearts were heavy today, but we know Preslie was glad that we celebrated her. We know that she loves animals, and nature. We could not have picked a more beautiful day to celebrate her half birthday. We are grateful for the knowledge we have that we will see her again. With each passing day we are another day closer to our baby girl. We love you Preslie Quinn!