Dear Preslie,
My heart aches for you today. As I was holding your sister and staring into her eyes, I couldn't help but ache and long for the chance to gaze into your eyes as well. I always think and wonder what you would look like. Would you have curly brown hair? Would your eyes be green or brown? Would you be energetic or shy? Would you be a daddy's girl or mommy's girl? Would you hold your baby sister tight, and want to do everything that she is doing? We learned in Sunday school about Lot's wife, and how she longingly looked back and turned into a pillar of salt. I try so hard to not let the "what ifs" consume my mind, but there are times when I just can't help it. There are times when I want to go back in time and just hold you closer, and kiss you more. I was so scared, and that has been one of my biggest regrets. I should have held your little body longer, I should have held you tighter. I think back to that day and remember how perfect you were. You had the most beautiful hands, and feet. You had the cutest little button nose, and the longest legs. You are perfect Preslie, and I am trying everything I can to be able to make it back to you. To raise you like I am raising your baby sister. To be able to hold you and sing you to sleep, to feed you, and feel you snuggle up against me. I don't understand fully God's plan for our family, but I can't wait to find out. I know we will see you again someday, and can't wait until we are all together again. Stay close to us, visit us often, and know that we are not forgetting you. You will always be our first daughter, and our guardian angel in heaven. We love you and your sister so much, and are so grateful that we were able to have you for the short time we did.
Happy 16 Months my baby "P".
Love, Mommy
My Darling
Go back to sleep now
My darling
And I'll keep all the bad dreams away
Breathe now, think sweet things
And I'll think of all the right words to say
Because we made you
My darling
With the love in each of our hearts
We were a family, my darling
Right from the start
Grow up now
My darling
Please don't you grow up too fast
And be sure, darling
To make all the good times last
Because we made you
My darling
With the love in each of our hearts
We were a family, my darling
Right from the start