I have too many things to blog about, therefore I have been putting it off for over a week.
Last Saturday Chris proclaimed it "Rylie Make-over Day". My day started off with an hour long Maternity massage. The man had AMAZING hands. He did such a great job and gave us such a good deal. He came to the house and brought everything he needed so all I had to do was just relax. He got 2 nasty knots out of my back, and really helped with some lower back pain I have been having. I HIGHLY recommend a massage while pregnant.
Soon after my massage I went and saw my hair God Fadi. Fadi and I go way back to when I first moved out to Washington D.C. No one was ever able to take my unruly hair and make it model perfect. You don't tell Fadi what to do he tells you. He isn't afraid to tell you what will look good and bad. Overall I have had some AMAZING colors and cuts from this man. I debated with myself for 2 months when would be a good time to go and see him. I finally got the courage to call him up. When I went into the Salon he didn't notice me, but when he did he asked "Have you been cheating on me?" Of course I said no, but then he took one more look at me and was like " YOU CUT YOUR HAIR!!!" Let's just say Fadi was not a fan of my cut, which I haven't had cut since Thanksgiving. Once again Fadi did his magic and made my hair look incredible. We went very blonde again and he thinned and chopped my hair to blend in more.

Later Saturday night the local park was showing movies on this huge inflatable screen. The night before we saw "The Bee Movie" and then Saturday night we saw "Transformers". It was a ton of fun, really really humid but way fun. Around midnight the Morgans, drove up.
It was so good to see Scott, Faith and little Beckett. We have really missed our friends back in Michigan. We had such a great time with them here. On Sunday we went to some museums and the National capital. It was such a hot day but we had fun walking around. Sadly Chris and I both had to work, so the Morgans went to Mt. Vernon on Monday and then went around DC on Tuesday. We took them to the Cheesecake factory where we had great food! We also went and saw the Awakening one night which was neat because I had never seen it before. We are so grateful for such great friends, and It was so fun to have the Morgans come stay with us! I can't wait to get back to Michigan. Thanks for coming guys!!!

This last Friday night Chris and I went to a Toys R Us midnight Star Wars Madness. There were about 30 people in line ahead of us, which wasn't too bad. We both ended up getting a free toy from going. Sadly they didn't play any games or have free give aways like they had promised. Chris ended up with a bunch of cool guys afterwards though.

Yesterday we went to the temple which was really good. I wanted to go at least one more time before we went back to Michigan. Afterwards we played some good doubles tennis, then headed out to dinner with Chad to Macaroni Grill. It was SOOOOO good. I ate way more than I should have. Afterwards we went and saw "The Dark Knight". I really like it, I thought Heath did such a great job. He was truly insane in that movie. It was very very dark though, and little baby was kicking like mad the entire time. It has been a great weekend!

I am SOOO looking forward to this week. Amberly and Daphne and coming Tuesday-Monday. I am so thrilled it all worked out. I have Wednesday through the weekend off, so I will be able to go and do everything with them. I am so excited!! Hurry up Tuesday!!