Friday, November 6, 2009

Hospital Time

I was admitted a few days ago to the hospital for nightly monitoring. It has had continual ups and downs. There have been moments when I beg and plead to go home, and moments when I feel totally at peace about everything. We were given a luxury suite in the OB Special Care unit, until around 9:00pm last night when we received news that they were shutting down due to budget cuts. We had to immediately pack our things and move to a Labor and Delivery room. We walked in and my heart sank. Black windows, No storage space, no dvd player, and no room. I felt at that moment that I would be 100% fine going home that night. I felt like I could just live on my faith the next few weeks, and things would be just fine. Well, as you can imagine that didn't settle well with Chris and others. After much persuasion and madness I decided I needed to try to relax. So I decided to take a shower. A shower that I don't think had ever been used, and that I could barely fit into. After a long shower, I was getting out and hit my belly on the door. I felt this awful pain, but didn't think to much of it. It wasn't until I was getting dressed and looked in the mirror, that I realized my stomach looked awful. Blood vessels had broken around my belly button, and was beat red. There was no way I could go home after that happening. They hooked me up to the monitors, and baby Arista was fine. After all the commotion I was finally able to relax a bit and try to sleep. However, my nurse didn't quite know what she was doing last night. She kept trying to find Arista's heartbeat on the wrong side, and finally gave up and wrote in my chart that the baby and I were not cooperating. Around 4am she just stopped coming in. Um, the whole point of me even being here is to have my baby on the monitor in case something were to happen. We talked to the head nurse this morning about everything, and she said that most likely we would be able to go back to OB Special Care on Monday, and that we would be given 4 bracelets to hand out to 4 people who could come and visit me. That made us really happy to hear that.

Chris trying to sleep the first night

Our view of the outside world...or not

Our "L&D room"

The shower from...

Chris not too happy about the room change


Amy said...

Oh no Rylie! I'm so sorry about your mom. :( I will pray that they will be able to get rid of the cancer quickly. I'm so sorry about all the craziness at the hospital too. I hope you can move back to a better room on Monday. Good luck!! You will all be in my prayers!

McGinnis Family said...

Oh my gosh!!! That's so scary, sad, and awful! Wow! What a test of EVERYTHING!!!! We will keep you and your family in our prayers!

jefferies said...

I'm sorry about your mom. I'll keep all of you in my prayers!

Katie said...
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Courtney said...

I will admit, it was hard looking at the pictures from the hospital. I know of the black windows, the uncomfortable bed, your exhausted husband sleeping in an even more uncomfortable bed =( Can you have visitors? I would love to come see you.

I am so incredibly sorry to hear about your mom Rylie. I am glad to hear they found it early and that she is so upbeat and strong. She will be in my thoughts and prayers!

Our Family said...

You and your family have been inour prayers we will add your mom also. Good luck.

Aubreydoll said...

I can't believe they moved you into that horrible little room without a window to get some real light in there! Hopefully you can go back to the room you're supposed to be in and stay there! And I'm so glad that you're able to have a few visitors now, yay!!

Alyson said...

Oh my goodness Rylie! I am so sorry to hear about your mom! You are constantly in my prayers these days. We will pray for your mom to get through this quickly.