A year ago today we saw the face of an angel. She had beautiful brown curly hair, her dads toes, my ears and hands, and her dads cheeks. She was perfect in every way, too perfect in fact to stay with us. We held her as long as we could before we said goodbye, but the longing for her never has gone away. We held an angel, an angel who has forever changed us for the better. A perfect spirit has guided us on the path that we need to follow, and will forever follow. We look back a year ago with sadness in our hearts, because we were so close to having her here with us. We know that she was created for bigger and better things, that we will one day know all about. Today we don't celebrate the life that was lost, we celebrate the day we held our baby who grew her wings. There will be many balloons released for Preslie, as well as many thoughts, prayers, and acts of service.
We all love you Preslie. We are so grateful for the short amount of time we were able to spend with you. We would do anything to have you here even just for a second. We know you are doing great things on the other side, and helping us here on earth as well. We are so proud to have you as our daughter, and our angel. You have touched so many lives, and you continue to help us do and be better people. We hope that you feel our love, and that you know how much we love you. We hope all the other angels are throwing you a huge party today, and that you are able to look down at all the great things people are doing in honor of you. We love you baby P. Families are forever, and we cannot wait for the day where we will see you again. There are no empty chairs at our table, and we will all be at the grand table again soon. We love you Preslie!!
Mommy & Daddy

Happy Angel Day Preslie. I am so sorry this had to happen. I hope today can bring you peace and comfort. I've heard from people that after the year of 1st's things get better. I hope that happens for you. Harry's 1 year is next week so I know what you are going through. Your in my prayers and I'm so excited for your new addition soon. I hope today will be a good day for you. Love ya lots. Your words were beautiful.
Dear Chris and Rylie,
Our act of service in honor of Preslie was to attend the Temple. We decided to give someone the opportunity to move forward in their eternal progression. We love going to the temple and feeling the peace that is there. We appreciate it more now that we have a grandbaby in heaven. what a great idea to do an act of service on Preslie's birthday. I'm sure it is just the way Preslie would want it. We love you! grandpa Tory and grandma Mary
I love you guys and have been praying for your family. I know there is much sadness in your hearts today. I hope that the love, thoughts, prayers and good wishes of your family and friends will comfort you and help you feel peace, also. We are so blessed to have knowledge from Heavenly Father that assures us we will be with our loved ones again after this life, and that there is no loss, only temporary separation.
Hugs to all of you.
Lisa G-K
Preslie is such a perfect angel. Even though she's not a part of our family we love her too and know that she has made us better people.
In honor of her Angelversary we've made a donation to the Children's Miracle Network. And instead of just one act of service, we've made it our goal to start making service a bigger part of our lives. I have come to love people through service and hope to be able to pass that love on to other's as well.
We love you all and our hearts are with you!
Thanks for all you've taught us Preslie. We feel honored to do service in your name today. Have fun playing with Arista and helping her get ready to come to earth. Watch for our balloon!
Thinking of you on your special Angelversary.
Hugs and Kisses
Erin, Jacob, & Jane
WOW! I can't believe it has already been a year. I remember last year yesterday, we had just got home from celebrating Preston's Birthday. My mom had called me and I could instantly hear the sadness in her voice. She told me what had happened and my heart just broke. The same exact thing had happened to another cousin of mine not too long before and I couldn't understand WHY!! Why are such sad things happening to such good people?
Now I know that the Lord truly does choose the most brave and strong people that He knows will make it through it and also be such strong examples to everyone around them. You have been a HUGE example to me and I thank you for that.
Your family has been and will be in our thoughts through the day and we will release the balloon for Preslie celebrating her spirit. She is a true angel and I know she is so proud to have you two as parents.
Happy 1 year angelversary Preslie. We love you!!!
You are incredible Rylie and Chris. Your posts often bring me to tears, this one especially. I am so impressed with your strength and perspective--We love you!!!
I just want to assure you (and April too!) that it really does get better after the first year. You've done it all before, so you know you can survive.
Happy birthday sweet Preslie! I hope you (and Cora and the other baby angels) are busy. Please take care of your Mama today, she needs you!
you have been in our thoughts constantly this last week. Tonight we released the balloon in Preslie's memory. As for the service our children are going through all of their toys/clothes etc and we are going to take them to the womens shelter for women and children that have had to leave their homes as a result of abuse etc.
you all inspire us. thank you.
love, Bobby, M!kell and family
Letting the pink balloon go into the blue sky brought back many memories, but most of all I could remember seeing Preslie's beauty as I held her for the first time. Very fortunate and blessed to be her grandfather. We love you Preslie and miss you very much!! GrandpaChad and Grandma Sue
Thinking of you today sweet Preslie. My dear Rylie ... I wanted to let you know that Jason and I were going to go out and release Preslie's balloon at the cemetery where the boys were at but the weather is so crummy and I think Jason is coming down with a cold.
We did however let her balloon go in our back yard this evening and we both watched it float away. It was such a peaceful moment almost like the city stood still for that moment.
I've been thinking about your family all day.
Always here for you!
Chris and Rylie,
Your words of love and pain for this little girl feels my heart with so many emotions. I cry for your loss and I cry for the strenth you both have had.We all have felt so much pain for yet I find comfort in all your words and feelings you are willing to share.You made so many people look at life in a different light. As a parent I know how upset we get over little things are children do, I think we forget that with a blink of an eye life can change. Thank you for sharing the last year with your family and friends we love you and know that one day you will hold that sweet angel again.Love Aunt Kari and Marissa
We thought about you all day today. Today I took the kids to a very quiet park, where we took them to on Brenna's angelversary. Connor thought it was so neat that Brenna had a friend in heaven to play with. He also sang Happy Birthday to her!
For our act of kindness we invited a little boy, who's Dad is in the Army and gone, over to our house for the day so that his Mom could have a day to herself.
We love you guys and hope that all is well!
I echo your Aunt Kari's beautiful comments.
Thinking of you.
I can't believe that I am an auntie to a perfect angel! You were in my thoughts all day today and I will never forget how my heart ache'd a year ago today, but Preslie has brought us so much closer together and has taught us so much! Happy Angelversary Preslie! Until we meet again. :)
Chris and Rylie,
We had a great Angel Day that definately made me cry. I think I told you that my friend recently lost her baby girl a few weeks ago after she only lived a week. For sure we know the outcome that "everything is okay lalala" but it doesn't mean it doesn't totally hurt!!! Your experience and all your strength helped me help my friend. Today we released our pink balloon with Preslie and Tessa's names and birthdays in the balloon. For us pink is not a common color around the house so this stood out to my boys. For our service my husband and I wanted to do something that could involve a lot of people but still be anonymous so we started ( a little late) the BOO your neighbor. I found a poem online with a ghost to put in the door. It has been so fun to see how the neighborhood has spread with ghosts in their windows showing that someone had given them a treat and that their turn was next to serve. We didn't put a ghost in our window to remain anonymous and the boys LOVED getting BOO'd so we could go and drop treats off to our neighbors. In fact, it even jumped over into another neighborhood. What a great memory. Thanks for sharing Preslie with our family and another great excuse to serve. All our love always and permission to cry when you see something that triggers a tear, hear a certain song, have a smell attached with a memory or just because!!! XOXO
HUGS to you today! I pray for peace and love to be with you...and your daughter's spirit to surround you.
What an absolutely beautiful tribute to your sweet daughter. Look how far you've come in a year!
Hi Rylie & Chris,
Thank you for the opportunity to participate in Preslie's angelversary commemoration. Our whole family were doing various things in Preslie's memory. I made contact with a friend who will shortly be joining Preslie in paradise. He is on hospice care now after a courageous battle with leukemia. I just had to express my gratitude for the good memories, before he passes through the veil. Thank heaven for these amazing spirits like Preslie & my friend who inspire us to try harder to be better so that hopefully there will be "no empty chairs". We love you Rylie, Chris, Preslie, Arista... cant wait to see you again. Love, Debbie Bateman & Richie ofcourse
Hey Rylie and Chris-
Thank you for the opportunity to share in Preslie's Angelversary. I can't even imagine what you have been through this past year, but I thank you for your examples of strength and courage. I look up to you both!
Kelson and I decided to make dinner for a few of our family members that are here locally. We're grateful for our family and we want them to always know that we love them and appreciate all they do for us.
Happy Angelversary Preslie, Thank you for your sweet spirit.
We love you Rylie and Chris, Preslie,& Arista!
Love, Kelson and Kenzie
We are thinking of you & your sweet family. I'm going to take Alexis to release the balloon in Preslie's honor tomorrow. Thank you for including us in such a special way to remember a beautiful angel!
May God preserve your strength for every day of life ahead, speak peace to your heart the days it is hard to be brave, and send you constant reminders of Preslie's love for you. Lots of love for you this week as you go through all of the emotions of the timeline one year ago. I hope you can feel our prayers.
Chris & Rylie,
We love you both so, so much! You’ve been an inspiration to watch this past year as you've struggled, encouraged others, and lived through service in the memory of Preslie. We know she is proud to have you as her parents.
In honor of your sweet Preslie, Brian and I donated to the Missing Grace Foundation (a foundation to help bereaved parents who are grieving after the loss of a baby) as well as signed up to be future volunteers for their annual 5k run/walk and anything else they can use us for.
We love you guys!
We love that angel Preslie! We remember her this day and many, many others too. She is a special baby girl that has changed me forever. Lots of love to you Rylie, and Chris and Arista too. We wish we could visit with you in person. Xoxo, Lauren PS Any chance you will be in VA for Christmas?
Ryan and I attended the temple and performed a few small acts of service. We prayed for your family and had a great experience with our children as we released the balloon in memory of Preslie.
We are thinking of you!
We love you Chris, Rylie, Preslie and Arista! It brought me to tears remembering the call I got at work from CJ last year telling me the sad news. I know this year has been so difficult for you all but seeing your strength and courage has helped me and made me strive to be a better every day. As Chris and I let the balloon go I had tears in my eyes as we watched it float out of sight. I remember how amazing it was letting all of them go at the funeral right into the sun and straight to Preslie. I want you to know i think about you guys every day and how exciting it will be when we all see her again. Hopefully Chris and I will be able to see you guys again soon. You are an inspiration to us all and remember to have hope and faith always!!
Love Marissa and Chris Coates
Every single time I read your blog, I feel the Spirit so strongly! You and Chris are such an example to Stan and me.
As I watched the balloons float away, I felt such a calm, peaceful feeling. I just felt how much Heavenly Father must love you and Preslie. Touched my heart.
We wanted to tell you thank you so much for including us in this wonderful event. It was awesome to watch the balloon fly into heaven and think about the wonderful examples you all are to us.
As our service we are making and donating blankets to the RNICU at Sparrow Hospital.
Wow, a year already! I feel like we have been a part of this with you the whole time. Our hearts go out to you guys. Your experience has reminded me that life is so precious and cherish every moment. We love ya, Scott and Melyssa
Thinking about you all this week. My mom and I went to the temple for our act of service--it seemed like a fitting thing. Best wishes, and we love you. The Blakesleys
Just want you to know I have been thinking of you. We did our act of service in honor of sweet Preslie. I love ya!
That was absolutely beautiful to read. We love you guys!! You are so right, she was such a perfect precious angel.
That was beautiful, thank you for sharing.
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