Monday, March 16, 2009

SPRING BREAK and a Weekend Getaway!

Chris and I were talking for weeks about how excited we were for Spring Break. We couldn't wait to be able to spend all of our days together, and just be with each other. Unfortunately that was not the case.

Here is how Chris' Spring Break started out.

The rest of the week Chris spent with a fever reaching as high as 102, and not being able to get up longer than about 5 minutes. Poor guy!

I spent my Spring Break preparing for my upcoming "Jewish Wedding" in my Wedding Planning class. I went to a meeting to get things all prepared and made about 300 cream cheese mints. Thanks so much to Aubrey for her help in making those, they were a mini nightmare. The favors turned out looking really well, and I am excited to see them with our table settings.

I then spent 3 nights helping Aubrey paint her bedroom. After 1 coat of primer and 3coats of color, it looks FANTASTIC. I can't wait to see it when it is all finished and put together.

I worked 2 days this week at Representative Bolger’s, office and wrote 6 tribute letters with little error. :)

Here is another re-cap of Chris' Spring Break:

To end my stressful Spring Break I went on a weekend getaway with Erika and Aubrey. We left Saturday around 1:30pm and drove to Kalamazoo where we stayed at an awesome hotel. When we arrived we put our swimming suits on and hit the pool for an hour. It felt so good to swim, it has been forever.

After swimming we showered and got all jazzed up, and headed out to eat at a restaurant called Bilbos. We weren't sure what it would be like when we pulled up. We really wanted Olive Garden but the wait was way too long. Come to find out it was a Lord of the Rings restaurant. All the names on the menu had something to do with The Lord of The Rings. They had really yummy pizza there. I could not wait to tell Chris about it. We will definitely have to take him back to eat there.

After eating we drove downtown to see the comedian Brian Regan. His brother started off the show, and was hilarious. Brian was so funny, and we had such great seats. We were seated in the middle section 7th row from the front. We all had laugh lines really bad after his show. I think we laughed non-stop for an hour and a half. It was so great.

Outside the Theater

Us at the Show!

Brian Regan!!

Another recap of Chris during my weekend getaway:

After the show we really wanted to go dancing. Unfortunately the club we went to had zero dancing going on. After driving around for 1 1/2 hours we ended up at IHOP and ate breakfast. We stayed there and talked for a few hours and then went back to the hotel, where we talked until 4am! We woke up the next morning and headed out to the Kalamazoo Nature Center where they had the Maple Sugar Festival going on. We had all you can eat pancakes and sausage, they even had maple syrup cotton candy. I cannot wait to try mine after I am through with lent.

All you can eat pancakes

After the festival we drove back to Lansing and went and got some Olive Garden. We weren't ready to end our weekend yet, so we went and saw "The Reader" Kate Winslit did an AMAZING job! We LOVED the movie. I am going to read the book. After such a fun weekend it had to come to an end. I had such a great time, and wish we could have stayed out even longer. Thank you Erika and Aubrey for such an unforgettable weekend filled with tons of laughs. I love you girls!

What started out as a stressful Spring Break turned out to be a great one. Chris is feeling better and went back to school today. We are grateful that he got sick when he did, so he wouldn't miss school. Now, back to life!



That sounds awesome, glad you girls had so much fun. Those weekend getaways are a necessity at times.

Courtney said...

What an awesome weekend. I am a big LOTR fan and would LOVE that restaurant!!!!!!

So glad you had a great time.


Deb and Stan said...

You know what never ceases to amaze me? (Besides you jumping on the hotel bed, of course!) How photogenic you are! You are one of the most beautiful young women I know! I am always shocked by your beauty...what's coming through your eyes as well as what's on the outside! Now, don't go getting a big head or anything! You are just one of those people, like Keri, that stands out in a group of people. Love you!

Anonymous said...

I am so glad you were able to get away and enjoy time with the girls! So sorry about Chris...hope he gets all better. You deserved this weekend with the girls and I hope you were able to laugh, laugh, laugh and start feeling like yourself again, cause girl you deserve it...all my love...

Katie said...

glad you had a good time- that looks like it was a lot of fun. there's nothing like a good girls' getaway! Brian Regan is so hilarious!

Bobby and M!kell said...

Rylie, I am so glad you had a fun weekend getaway with your girlfriends it looks like you guys had a great time and fit so much in! =) sorry to hear Chris was so sick...I suffered with that for 15 days

Erin Darrington said...

That happens to Jacob too, it's like his body knows when it's okay to break down - a blessing and a bummer! It looks like you had a blast! Gotta love girl time. LOTR Restaurant - how cool is that, we recently watched the first two and are waiting for time to watch the 3rd one again. BTW every time I think about Brian Regan I end up quoting his stuff for days afterwards, I love that guy-nothing like good clean humor... "I walked on the moon". Love you Rylie!

Aubreydoll said...

I had such a great time with you guys!! I'm so glad we were able to go!

Jenny said...

STOP LOSING WEIGHT!!! You look WAY good Ry! I'm glad that you are doing well, I'm sorry that Chris has been sick. CALL ME!!

Anonymous said...

That pink shirt you were wearing in some of those pictures is WAY CUTE! you need to come so it can stay in my closet! lol hahah LOVE YOU!


Janee said...

Fun! I love Brian Reagan - he's hilarious!

daniell miner said...

im sad!!!!! i miss my girls!!!! im glad u guys had fun though! im sooo jealous!!! are you feeling any better yet riley? i miss u! please call me when ur feeling better!!